The Blister

Week 6 - The blister The blister was our final task. I found this one the easiest probably due to my experience so far with metal shaping as well as the fact it was just hitting one area and there was no chance of creating folds which I found difficult in the previous tasks particularly the tray. This task was enjoyable as it allowed us to make and use our own metal shaping tools using the ban saw and electric sanders. I bolted two pieces of wood around the metal to avoid wrinkles when shaping the metal however this meant the metal would be prone to splitting. I clamped wood and metal on top o two other pieces of wood leaving the gap for the blister open as I wasn't sure how far out the blister would come through the gap in the wood and I thought if I was hitter the blister onto the surface of the table the metal might harden quicker making the refining of the blister more difficult.. To avoid splitting my metal using this technique I made sure I was hitting it softly but for...