Assignment 3 - Reflection

Reflection Demonstration and reflection of the Bowl - I decided to have another attempt at shaping the bowl. I enjoyed making the bowl in class however as it was the first task of the semester I wanted to re attempt shaping the bowl now that I am a more experienced metal shaper. I was intrigued to see how efficiently I could shape the bowl doing it a second time and how much better I could make it and preferably deeper. First Attempt My first attempt at the bowl at the beginning of the semester taught me the repetitive process of going between the sand bag, the wooden stump and the english wheel to establish the desired shape. It proved to me the difficulty of maintaining the shape or radius you are trying to achieve as when rolling out the dints from the hammering process I almost always lost the shape and radius I was after. My first attempt at the bowl I aimed for the middle radius of 155 however ended up achieving th...