
Showing posts from May, 2018

Assignment 2 - The Fuel Tank

Assignment 2 - The Fuel Tank Emma La Coste z5115182 Introduction Assignment 2 was to create a skin for a Yamaha IT250 motorbike. The material used for the skin was aluminium forming the adhering to to a 1:1 prototype model which was created of the tank. The project called on many techniques including digital making, metal shaping, tool making and many other experimentations to create a succinct form as close to the prototype as possible. The Yamaha IT250 was chosen by our group as it is the most difficult form and shape to replicate out of metal.                                                                                                                                      Process: 1. The Prototype Model In order to replicate the fuel tanks skin out of aluminium we needed to create a model as a group which we could use as a measurement device and guide for the shaping of our individual metal pieces. Part 1. Photogrammetry As a group and with the advice