The Bowl

Week 3 - The Bowl 

The bowl was the first task given in this class and was quite challenging because of my little experience with metal shaping. The task was enjoyable and taught me techniques such as bending and shrinking metal as well as being introduced to the english wheel which I think will be helpful in the future for refining any objects I've made out of metal.

 Using the laser cut concentric rings I was able to form the bowl shape quickly aiming to create a radius of 155. However whilst trying to create a more even and flat surface of the bowl without so many dints I soon had to aim for the deeper radius of 125. I ended up preferring this radius as it looked more bowl shaped rather than a shallow dish.

I used the sand bag to begin which I found the most difficult to shape the dish form leaving me moving on to the wooden stump a bit too early. I then had to go back and forth between the sand bag and the stump until I had a bowl like shape. Then finishing off with the english wheel to get rid of some of the dints I found that the english wheel to flattened out my bowl too much in some areas leading to more metal shaping afterwards in order to meet the radius.


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